Total Baltar Building with two houses, two stores and land
This property is a full property building this sale is done together, which is a profitable business for those who want to invest .
with a total area of the land of 666sqm .
consists of a dwelling with ground, a two -story house, 1 store that has 2WC, and another store with toilet, both with a shop window facing the road, which makes good visibility for any Business .
This property is the face of Road N15, at Travessa do Tanque Street in Baltar.
Near all trade and services such as:
- Multibanco
- Volunteer Firefighters
- Parish Council Baltar
- Pharmacies
- Fuel Post
- Transport
- Supermarkets .
This is a fantastic opportunity to invest.
Schedule your visit and find your opportunity to make a good business. Credit intermediaries linked with authorization from Banco de Portugal No. 6761 / Anica No. 145.
We are authorized by mutual credit institutions with whom we enter into a binding contract, to present and propose housing credit contracts! Consult us